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After years of idle chitchat with assorted friends and family, I have made good on my promise to create a website and blog.

This is the blog.

The website will be TrueNewyorkers.com  It’s coming later, when I get time to finish it.  Don’t bother running over there by clicking that link…nothing is there.  Yet.  (Some of you helped me choose a name — thank you.  And some of you asked questions like “only 4 choices?” “What about if you use NewYork.com instead?”  These annoyed me and I’ll blog about them later).

Although the casual observer may think that they have stumbled upon a series of rambling entries with amateurish images, held together merely by the fact I wrote them, the casual observer would be wrong.  There is a target audience and a plan.


  • Anyone living in New York City who wasn’t born in New York City.
  • Anyone who was  born in New York City.
  • Anyone who ever left New York City.
  • Anyone who wants to come to New York City.

OK, I think that’s everyone.


Blog entries are published once a week on Thursday night.  Blog entries are written entirely by myself, with guest bloggers as I see fit.  Public figures will be satirized.  Private persons within my acquaintance may be plundered for material.  Follow any useful advice at your own peril; I am not responsible for the outcome (though I reserve the right to take credit if the outcome is good).

Comments are moderated: if I don’t like them, they are badly written, incomprehensible or boring, they won’t see the light of day.


Now that the blog is up, here’s the rest of the story.


  1. Blog.  This is the blog.
  2. Website.  Filled with useful advice, clever ideas, links you will enjoy, generally interesting lore.
  3. Free email address of your choice.
  4. Create an account and then you can give useful advice, too. I might need to get a coder for this.
  5. Twitter, Facebook, blah blah.  I might need one-a-them free interns for this.
  6. Some kind of gatekeeper to tell people who annoy me to piss off.  Could also go to the intern unless they are too nice.
  7. Advertising so I can leech some money out of my fans .  Maybe that should go first?
  8. Buncha mobile apps.
  9. SALE!!! NEW!!!! DON’T MISS THIS!!!!!  Sell some cheesey New-York-themed merchandise.  I may need a Chinese-language interpreter for this.


  1. Janie…

    How about a piece on New York related literature? I’d love to read something that pulls me “in” to The City for a while.

    Some suggestions:

    1) Auster’s trilogy
    2) Lehem’s Brooklyn works
    3) Rutherford’s historical fiction (I haven’t read but am curious)

    :^ )

    [related links begin]


    Click to access CrazyFriend.pdf


    [related links end]

    PS: how do we embed links here?


So whadaya think?